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Messebegleiter IWA OutdoorClassics 2024

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Aussteller & Produkte IWA OutdoorClassics 2024

Chrysalis Clothes Ltd.

Harlow House, Shelton Road

NN17 5XH Corby


Telefon: +44 1536 269034

Fax: +44 1536 265506

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Produkte von Chrysalis Clothes Ltd. (5)

All Chrysalis goods are Hand Made in England at our factory in Northamptonshire using only the finest materials.

Chrysalis launched in 1985 . Founder Chris Blackmore created the first waterproof tweed shooting coat. He combined his years of Tailoring Experience with Advance Technology to create this unique garment .

Chrysalis specialise in Designing and Manufacturing all styles of Iconic and Classic Tailored outerwear from Tweed Shooting coats , Top Coats , Rainwear for Men & Women , along with Shooting Vests , Breeks , Sports Jackets We have recently added Retro style Workwear and Military outerwear to our collection.

Each Chrysalis garment is individually hand cut and made by a dedicated team of crafts people. Chrysalis use only the finest fabrics made from natural fibres woven in the British isles . Many styles are Teflon Coated and all Field coats incorporate a breathable membrane interlinear which makes the coat waterproof whilst adding warmth and protection.

The Chrysalis brand is supplied to the finest stores world wide and the company is recognised as a leader in this highly specialised field .

Chrysalis is worn by many including the British and European Royal families , Musicians and Actors alike.

Our Aim at Chrysalis is to continue to design and produce outerwear that has brought us to the forefront in this field and which afford protection Designing and distinction to the discriminating wearer.

Each Chrysalis garment is individually hand cut and made from the very best natural fibres woven in the British Isles. Many of the styles are Teflon coated and incorporate a waterproof and breathable membrane interliner for additional warmth and protection.

The Chrysalis brand is supplied to the finest stores worldwide and the Company is recognised as a leader in this highly specialised field.

Chrysalis Clothes Ltd. bietet Ihnen Produkte aus diesen Produktgruppen:


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