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Messebegleiter IWA OutdoorClassics 2024

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Aussteller & Produkte IWA OutdoorClassics 2024

Double-Alpha Academy B.V.

Elzenweg 33 B

5144 MB Waalwijk


Telefon: +31 416 660 464

Fax: +31 416 392 040

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Produkte von Double-Alpha Academy B.V. (5)

Double-Alpha Academy is a company with a difference. It is a company that was founded on a vision - Promoting Excellence in IPSC Shooting - and this vision remains our passion and our motivation. We are totally dedicated to the sport of Practical Shooting.

Double-Alpha Academy only sells products we know and believe in – because we ourselves use them. We are always on the lookout for or working to develop new products which meet that bill. The shooting range is our drawing board and the thrill of top level competition our inspiration.

Double-Alpha's main product lines focus on the shooter's Rig (Holsters, pouches and belts) but we also offer a wide range of additional accessories for the Sport.
Our comprehensive line of reloading accessories include the industry's leading bullet feeder - with the Mr.BulletFeeder by DAA and its variants - the MINI and the PRO. And we continue to expand and evolve our product lines continuously.

DAA also promotes and distributes several other leading brands, making them available to retail and wholesale customers in Europe and worldwide.
We are the largest European Dillon Precision Distributor and the exclusive European distributor for Competitive Edge Dynamics (CED) and Mark 7..

Originally most of Double-Alpha Academy’s business was in the retail market. However it has always been our goal to develop and distribute our own products and other top brands of shooting equipment. This goal is now being realized with our expanded spacious warehouses in Holland and in the USA, and a customer base that is now more wholesale-oriented. We currently supply over 400 dealers and distributors around the world, and that number is constantly on the increase. We work hard to offer our dealers the very best customer service, as well as excellent profit margins and sales support.


Double-Alpha Academy is a company with a difference. It is a company that was founded on a vision - Promoting Excellence in IPSC Shooting - and this vision remains our passion and our motivation. We are totally dedicated to the sport of Practical Shooting.

Double-Alpha Academy only sells products we know and believe in – because we ourselves use them. We are always on the lookout for or working to develop new products which meet that bill. The shooting range is our drawing board and the thrill of top level competition our inspiration.

Double-Alpha's main product lines focus on the shooter's Rig (Holsters, pouches and belts) but we also offer a wide range of additional accessories for the Sport.
Our comprehensive line of reloading accessories include the industry's leading bullet feeder - with the Mr.BulletFeeder by DAA and its variants - the MINI and the PRO. And we continue to expand and evolve our product lines continuously.

DAA also promotes and distributes several other leading brands, making them available to retail and wholesale customers in Europe and worldwide.
We are the largest European Dillon Precision Distributor and the exclusive European distributor for Competitive Edge Dynamics (CED) and Mark 7..

Originally most of Double-Alpha Academy’s business was in the retail market. However it has always been our goal to develop and distribute our own products and other top brands of shooting equipment. This goal is now being realized with our expanded spacious warehouses in Holland and in the USA, and a customer base that is now more wholesale-oriented. We currently supply over 400 dealers and distributors around the world, and that number is constantly on the increase. We work hard to offer our dealers the very best customer service, as well as excellent profit margins and sales support.


Double-Alpha Academy B.V. bietet Ihnen Produkte aus diesen Produktgruppen:


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