Pentagon Tactical has been active in the field of Tactical and Outdoor gear & apparel since 1991, combining innovation with functionality. Our products are designed for professionals in demanding environments seeking performance, durability, and versatility with the philosophy “Form follows function.”.
Pentagon Tactical is synonymous with precision, high quality, and practical solutions, making it the go-to brand for Adventurers, urbanistas and outdoor enthusiasts alike.
The logo is inspired by the ancient Greek word "pentagōnos," meaning "five-angled”. Because, the number five symbolizes the human form, with the head and four limbs, reminding us of our connection to the world around us. It also represents the five senses—hearing, seeing, touching, smelling, and tasting—that allow us to experience and interact with life in a harmonious way.
Just as these elements maintain a delicate balance in nature, the Pentagon logo symbolizes our commitment to blending form, function, and natural principles in our designs.
From its earliest days, the company has showcased its commitment to quality, innovation, and performance in order to develop products that address real-world challenges faced by our customers on every mission.